Who we are

King's Academy was founded by Ryan Teal in 2024, a 2nd generation Cambodian American determined to revitalize the lost Arts and Culture of his Khmer Heritage. Historically known as one of the most horrific Genocides, nearly 2 million lives were taken by the hands of the Khmer Rouge between 1975-1979.

Many of the socioeconomic disparities that members of his community endure found their way into Ryan's life from an early age. His older brother introduced him to Bruce Lee films, which left a life-changing impact on Ryan. Having grown up estranged from himself and his family's customs, he found that Martial Arts can serve as a vessel of personal development and self-expression.

The continuous process of introspection, acknowledgment, and emergence helped Ryan simultaneously cultivate physical attributes and life values.

  • Starting his training in 2003 in Tae Kwon Do, Ryan was eager to train Jeet Kune Do. Under the tutelage of Sifu Andy Wilson and Kun Khru Tammy Wilson, Ryan started his apprenticeship in 2010. Applying the "no way as way" philosophy expressed in Bruce Lee's philosophy of JKD, he has grown to find purpose in many different domains with his passion.

    Ryan became the WBC Amateur Muay Thai Tournament belt holder for the Super-Welterweight division in 2016. Since then, he had 2 more title fights (USEACA, and the WMC). He was sponsored in 2019 to Cambodia by his Kun Khmer mentor Lok Kru Srab Sroeuy for his fight camp and has trained at several top-tier gyms in Cambodia, such as Selapak with Lok Kru Chan Rothana, K1 Fitness & Fight Factory, with Lok Kru Maes Sokry at CTN, Cambodia Top Team, and the legendary Oum Ry Ban at Longbeach Kickboxing!

  • Leading up to the pandemic, Ryan worked as a bouncer in Seattle. When the pandemic hit, he wanted to take his training further and wasted no time.

    Becoming an Armed Private Security Agent opened up many opportunities such as working in housing projects, casinos, raceways, special events like PAX or at the Seahawk Tower during NFL games...he has experienced a myriad of conflicts that has brought many sobering realities of combat to light.

    Ryan continues to expand his knowledge and experience with firearms safety/marksmanship training and helps with conducting self-defense courses. He is not currently serving.

  • A few years later, Ryan's passion for personal development and interest in human kinetics led him to become a Certified Personal Trainer through the NSCA.

    Building on this foundation, he further enhanced his expertise by becoming a Certified Recovery Specialist at AIRROSTI, a physical rehabilitation practice.

    Ryan has dedicated himself to meeting the unique needs of his clients. Whether he's designing engaging exercise programs for individuals on the autism spectrum or developing specialized rehabilitation plans for Olympic trial athletes recovering from injuries, his commitment to personal and community well-being drives his work every day.


  • Certified Mixed Martial Arts Instructor Lvl. 2 (Guro Rick Faye)

  • Certified Instructor-Defender Lvl. 1 (Sifu Andy Wilson)

  • Certified WTBA Muay Thai FULL Instructor (Ajarn Chai Sirisute)

  • Certified Savate Silver Glove & Initiator Savate (Professor Salem Assli)

  • Certified Personal Trainer (NSCA)

  • Certified Armed Private Security Agent (CJTC of Washington State)

  • Certified fEMa IS-00100.C, IS-00200.C, IS-00700.B

  • Certified Recovery Specialist (AIRROSTI)